(Taken with my IPhone )
Cherry Limeade, my new favorite Sonic Drink! Before it was Ocean Water. What is YOUR favorite? Don't you just love Happy Hour? One of my family's guilty pleasures.
This is it for me today. My allergies are beating me down today and I just woke up form a 3 hr nap. Down side of having all of these beautiful flowers to photograph! :)
oh my goodness! i posted the same thing a week or so ago! lol! cherry limeade is so picture worthy! i love it!
That looks so yummy!!! Someone else posted a sonic drink before and I've been craving one ever since but we don't have one near by. :(
That looks yummy! Hope you are feeling better!! I think my allergies got the best of me yesterday. Not sure why?? We don't have any blooms yet ;)
Oh my gosh, I LOVE Sonic!! Vanilla coke! We have only commercials here, no Sonic near by but they torture us with the advertisements!
Cherry Limeaid is my favorite-- is there anything better? Mmmmm
I LOVE cherry-limeaid's and we have a Sonic right around the corner. Hmmm, just might be going there for a little stress relief! It's either that or retail therapy! I'm glad you got such a nice nap, but it's always so hard to get going after a long nap like that, so hopefully the Cherry Limeaid kicked you back into gear.
It's been years since I lived near a Sonic and I really miss a Route 44 Cherry Limeade! Yum...
I'm sorry about your allergies...bummer to feel that way when it's so beautiful outside:(
Yes, please! I drink mine diet, but this has been my sonic drink of choice for years... I am having withdrawls now because we don't have one in the town I live in now! ;-)
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