Wednesday, March 16, 2011

75/365 Cricket

Making up my own rules for today! This is the 2nd post I have posted today. I just had to share this one. Here is Anden and our bird, Cricket. Joe and I got this bird when we were first married, when it was just a baby. We hand fed it and everything. We then had to move out of state and gave the bird to my Dad and Stepmother to watch because we could not take it with us. :( I would love to take him home with us now, but we have a cat who would have him for dinner. I do miss him. He talks, laughs just like me, gives you kisses, and whistles. We really do enjoy seeing him everytime we come into town and the kids think he is the coolest thing! I captured this picture right before we laid the kids down tonight.

P.S. You really never know how much you can take your editing software and actions for granted until you don't have them with you! I really need to buy a laptop!


Jaime said...'s cute! :) Funny about your oldest wanting to look like his younger brother...usually it is the other way around. :)

Love the history post! I am in to genealogy and love to read old clippings like that. There is just something special about reading it in print.

Amanda said...

Cute boy and bird! Love the spiked feathers :)

Chelsea said...

Ah, what a cute story and adorable shot!!

Anonymous said...

That is adorable!

Unknown said...

So sweet!

My grandmother had a parakeet named Cookie. We used to love going to visit her because of the bird. Not that we didn't love visiting her too. :)

Photography said...

We had one of these when I was younger. Lovely birds.