f/1.8 1/640sec 800 ISO 35mm
It is a lazy & boring day around here. My oldest is turning 6 tomorrow and he wants a Super Mario Brothers party. It is just going to be a small family party, so I thought I would make some of the decorations myself. I am not good at drawing. I am tracing these! LOL!
Question: What can I do about noise? My D40 is not a lover of high ISOs and it is driving me crazy! Wish I could afford a new camera! I did download the free trial of Noiseware, but cannot find it anywhere in my PSE7 and I also downloaded the DPM Noise Reducer, and it is not doing a thing. Even when I click the little eyes.
Question: What can I do about noise? My D40 is not a lover of high ISOs and it is driving me crazy! Wish I could afford a new camera! I did download the free trial of Noiseware, but cannot find it anywhere in my PSE7 and I also downloaded the DPM Noise Reducer, and it is not doing a thing. Even when I click the little eyes.
The noise doesn't look that bad to me, but I've been able to reduce noise using Lightroom. You can download a free 30 day trial. I also found a free editing download called Photoscape. It does a fairly decent job reducing noise.
It doesn't bother me either, this is a cool shot. Unfortunately nothing under full frames I think besides the Canon 7D has any tolerance of high ISO. I'm dreaming of that high ISO too, oh to get a new camera. :) I try to sometimes over expose a little bit if I know I'm getting my exposure dead on. If you under expose in the slightest on a high ISO it can cause even more noise. So maybe play around with that a little bit to see if you can find something a little more to your liking. :)
I think this angle is great! Very interesting shot and way to go for making your own decorations!!
I have been very surprised at how little noise I have been getting when shooting at 800 or 1600. I currently have a photo posted which I shot at 800 and it's really pretty clear. But honestly I don't see much noise in yours either.
I've tried DPM's noise reducer too (I have PSE 7) and haven't had much luck. However, I just downloaded Noiseware today (for FREE!) and I LOVE it.
And thanks for the tip about registering on JessicaSprague.com! I'll definitely be there on registration day. I don't want to miss out on that workshop.
If you overexpose a little bit, it will help with noise. I hear Noiseware is awesome, but I haven't ever used it. I think the free version of noiseware isn't a plug in in PS, but something you do before opening PS. And the one you pay for is the plug in that works in PS. Someone correct me if I'm wrong!
I also think the noise is not that bad for the photo. But, could you have slowed your shutter speed some? I find if I go down to 1/100 or even a little lower I don't have to bring my ISO up as high. For shots like this of hands on tables you could use the table instead of a tripod to reduce shake, or even a bean bag. Of course, you then have to worry about the movement of the little hands you are photographing.
No technical answers from me, but I like the composition and praises for tracing and making your own decorations! Smart mama!
It doesn't look that bad. I upgraded from the nikon d3000 to the d7000 and the noise is a lot better. But really it is about your exposure. If the light coming in is good then it helps a ton. This picture looks great though.
I wish I could help you, but I love reading the comments. :) This is a great picture...
Having some noise in your pictures adds a vintage-y touch so I think it looks great. I am seeing more and more photographers doing this.
I wouldn't have ever looked at this photo and thought "noise"! I just saw the focal point of Luigi's face and smiled!
Keara, I use pse and Noiseware as well. (Also waiting to upgrade, too.) Here is a great tutorial on combining the power of both:
I want a Mario party! lol
I'm taking careful note of everyone's suggestions about noise reduction as well!
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